Let the Palaweña Explorer take you on a virtual tour on the islands of El Nido----Island Hopping Package TOUR C! :)

Come on Vamonos, let's explore the Tour C group of islands of EL Nido, Palawan.

The tour C group of islands is composed of interesting islands and beaches. 

Usually, the island tour package adventures start at 9 in the morning and end at 4 in the afternoon. But if you will be having a private island hopping tour, just like what we did, the time is yours to manage. The time you will spend on each of your destination is in your hands and you can go to anywhere you want (of course that depends on your agreement with your boat operator).

If you will join a package tour, the tour package for the tour C group of islands costs P1,400 per person and that will allow you to be able to visit 5 destinations. Lunch, mask and snorkel, life vests and assisting guides are all part of the tour package. You might also need to bring your own water and towel but it depends on your tour operator if that will be included in your package or not.

Here's a virtual tour of the destinations under the Tour C Group of Islands in EL NIDO, PALAWAN.

For more pictures and a more detailed write-up, just click on the names of the islands hyperlinked to its full article. :)

Our first destination is my favorite island in EL Nido: it is the top 1 island in my list of the most beautiful islands in EL Nido, Palawan.



A heart-shaped island filled with a lot of interesting stories and beautiful scenery is home to the abandoned mansion of the Fernandez's which also served as a former retreat house. It is also in this island that the Feast of Our Lady of Matinloc is being celebrated at every 31st of May. It is a must-visit island.

One of the most breath taking views that I''ve seen is also from here. The island has a very nice view deck where you can see the most breath-taking view I've ever seen in my entire life! The underwater landscape in front of the island is also very beautiful! It is an almost perfect island. So far this island tops my list; for me this is the most beautiful island in EL Nido, Palawan.

(Matinloc Island, El Nido Palawan Philippines, May 2013)

Entrance fee: None.

Things to do: Swimming, snorkeling, fish feeding, exploring the abandoned mansion and the whole property, climbing up the view deck and picture taking.

STAR BEACH which is just located in front of the Matinloc Island is also part of the TOUR C Group of El Nido Islands but it's usually skipped in the tour as there's nothing much to see/do in that island. It was called star beach because of the sparkling and glimmering sand that the island has.

  Our next stop, the


The SPECTACULAR UNDERWATER VIEW offered by this Island is one of the most interesting underwater views I've seen. I feel like a mermaid while swimming outside of the secret beach near its entrance.

From the underwater caves to the variety of fishes, everything that you will find in this island is just extremely awesome. The Secret beach is on my top 3 favorite islands in El Nido; Among the 11 islands in El Nido that I've visited, so far, this one ranks 3rd.

(Entrance to the Secret Lagoon)

Entrance fee: None.

Things to do: Swimming, snorkeling, exploring the limestone formations.

Our third destination is the


One of the nearest islands in the town of El Nido is the Dilumacad Island, also known as The Helicopter Island.

 By just looking at its shape, you will already know why it's called the Helicopter Island. It looks like a helicopter without its propellers. But for me, the Island looks more of a turtle than a helicopter. Most foreigners, according to our boatman, also say that the island looks more of like a half-submerged (chicken) drumstick or a turtle than a helicopter too.

(Helicopter Island a.k.a Dilumacad Island)

Entrance fee: None.

Things to do: Swimming, soaking up the sun and snorkeling.

Our fourth and final stop, the


Hidden between two rocks is a strip of white sand beach.The beach is really hidden, that you can't see it unless you go further in between these two towering lime stones. It was named hidden beach, simply because it is a beach hidden between two rocks.

It looks like a dead end, but it's just an illusion. There really is a way in between those rocks that will lead you to a small strip of white sand beach, and there is also an exit at the end turning right.

Entrance fee: None.

Things to do: Swimming, snorkeling, fish feeding, having picnic lunch, exploring the limestone formations.

(The entrance to the Hidden Beach)

The next time you visit EL Nido, see to it that you visit the above destinations. They're waiting to amaze you!

You might notice that not a single island in El Nido has an entrance fee. Only a 200 pesos ETDF (Eco-Tourism Development Fee) per person is being collected before the start of the island hopping tour. This fee is good for up to 10 days of your stay in El Nido. The accumulated fund is used by the government to maintain the islands and manage the tour operations in the municipality.

And that's all folks, that's the end of our virtual island hopping tour in the TOUR C Group of El Nido Islands. Come and experience the beauty of El Nido, the most beautiful island in the world!


-The Palaweña Explorer :)

Also known as the cleanest and clearest lake in the Philippines and in Asia, Kayangan is continuing to draw more tourists and locals alike to visit Coron, Palawan.

(Kayangan's reception area)

Truly one of the greatest prides of Coron and Palawan is this magnificent lake  in the Coron Islands.

(View deck, Kayangan 2015)
This island is part of the ancestral domain of the indigenous people in Palawan called "Tagbanua". Some of them reside in this island and they are claiming the said area and for that reason, they collect entrance fees of P200 per person. Let me give you a little background regarding that matter. During the year 1998 the Tagbanuas of Coron Islands were given a Certificate of Ancestral Domain Title (CADT) for over 22,000 hectares of land and sea in Coron. The CADT gave them the right to manage the area under its territory and to preserve its marine and land resources. The area where Kayangan Lake is situated at belongs to the ancestral domain claimed by the group. That explains why most of the islands of Coron have entrance fees.

The term "Tagbanua" came from the word "Taga-Banua". They're one of the oldest ethnic groups in the Philippines. And they are actually classified into two major groups based on their geographical locations. One of them is found at the southern part of Palawan mainly in Aborlan, Quezon and Puerto Princesa, the other group is located at the northern part of Palawan specifically at Baras Coast, Busuanga and Coron Islands and in some parts of El Nido they are also known as the Calamian Tagbanua. The two sub-groups have different languages or dialects and they also have different practices.

(A hundred and fifty steps going up)

If you have already been there, you'll notice that at the reception area of the island are some huts where the Tagbanuas actually resides in.

To be able to get to the lake you need to climb a hundred and fifty steps going up and another hundred and fifty steps going down. The trek is quite tiring but i assure you that your price will be worth the physical exhaustion. If you had already climbed to the summit of Coron's Mount Tapyas, then the trek going to the lake will be easier for you.

(A small cave at the view deck)
So after climbing the 150 steps going up, you may have a stopover at the view deck to take photos with the most popular view of Coron and maybe to rest a bit.

At the view deck you will also see this small cave. Visitors are not allowed to go inside the cave, so we just took a photo at its entrance.

(At the entrance of the cave)
During the time when we reached the view deck, there were still a lot of tourists who are having their photos taken in there, so we just patiently waited for our turn and just took some photos on the other side of the view deck.

(While waiting for our turn at the view deck)

So, when our turn finally came, we finally had a photo with the most popular view of Coron as our background. The view was truly spectacular. Before, I actually thought that the lake is the one that's in the background, but i was wrong. The true lake was much more beautiful than that.

(Our group pic at the view deck)

This is the breath-taking view from Kayangan's view deck. It was so pretty!

(The most popular view of Coron!)

After having our photos taken at the deck, it's now time to see the real star of the show! Off to the real lake! hehe.

One hundred and fifty step more going down. Let's see how the real Kayangan Lake looks like.

As we were trekking to the lake, we saw a lot of different type of insects and plants, it was really entertaining.
(150 steps more going down)
After a total of three hundred steps, this will be your welcoming view!

(Finally reached our destination!)

Nature's beauty at its finest! WELCOME TO KAYANGAN LAKE!

(Welcoming view of the lake)

The lake was indeed super clean and clear! Not once did I saw a piece of trash! Good job, Coron!

(The left side of the U-Shaped platform)
The water is so clear that you will be able to see from the surface what's underneath the lake.

(That's how clear the water is!)
Although only rock formations surrounding the lake are what you can see under the water, bringing your snorkeling gears will still be a good idea as the beautiful rock formations under the water is worth looking at.

(She's so excited to go in the water)

See how clear the water is??

(My uncle, ready to explore the lake)
My aunt and her family went ahead of me to the water. I stayed behind the platform for a few more minutes just to take some photos and to absorb the beauty of the place. It was really beautiful.

(Bamboo raft in the middle of Kayangan Lake)

The place is really very peaceful and nice. If you're looking for serenity and peace, you will find it here.

(Thanks to our kuya boatman who took my photo)

I am starting to develop a love for lakes because of this place! If I haven't told you guys before in my old posts, I'm actually scared of lakes! I feel like they're the habitat of huge lake monsters and stuff. haha. My imagination really do freaks me out sometimes. Thanks to Kayangan, I now developed my interest for lakes.

(The view of Kayangan from where I was seated)

The following photos are just some of the sneak peeks for you guys on how the underwater scenery in Kayangan looks like, the rest of it you will just have to see it for yourself.

(Underwater scenery in Kayangan)
That's my aunt while she's snorkeling at Kayangan. The lake was actually one of her favorite spots in Coron.

(The underwater view of the rock formations in Kayangan)
After snorkeling, we rested on the bamboo raft at the middle of the lake.

Lying there on the bamboo raft while enjoying the 360-degree view of the towering lime stones was my favorite moment in Kayangan. I was just at peace while enjoying God's wonderful creations!

(Me, Henrielle and Mama Lyds on the raft)
After the epic adventure at Kayangan we headed back to the docking area to board our boat and proceed to our next destination. Another 300-step trek going back. When we reached the reception area once more, our boatmen were calling us from afar because they wanted to show us something. I mentioned to them that i wanted to see a sea turtle. So they were so excited to tell us that there's a huge sea turtle swimming beside our boat!

(A huge sea turtle!!)
I was super duper excited because i love sea turtles! I was just not able to swim with it because we're already preparing to go to our next destination. There it was (look at the photo above)! It looks small on the photo but it's actually a super huge sea turtle. I would've been happier if I had a picture with it. Bucket list entry still not checked (swim with the sea turtle/s). :( But it's alright, there's always a next time.

Here's a short video from the lake:
(Enjoy watching!)

If you haven't visited Kayangan Lake yet, you're missing a lot! If you're planning to visit it though, don't forget the golden rule for nature, "Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, kill nothing but time." :)


-The Palaweña Explorer ;)
Approximately 40 minutes away from the town proper of El Nido is a secret paradise for beach lovers like me!

(Nacpan, 2015)
Welcome to Nacpan Beach!!

 Nacpan beach is one of the hidden gems of El Nido, Palawan.

(Going to the view deck)

Its powdery white sand beach and crystal clear waters will really make you fall in love with the beach more.

(Beach chairs, perfect for reading and a nap by the beach)

Of all the beaches that I've been to, this one really stands out. The beach's sand is super powdery white and soft, the water is warm and not to mention it's super duper clean and clear! Not once did I see a piece of trash along the Nacpan beach! I also love the fact that the place is not crowded at all, there are only a few tourists who goes here. The place is not yet developed and I loved that. Its tranquility and beauty is astounding. It's the perfect place to relax if you want to just be at peace while enjoying the beach.

(My Gramps enjoying the beach of Nacpan)

(Near the view deck of the twin beach)
To get to this little piece of paradise, you need to travel approximately 20 kilometers away from the town proper of El Nido. The way to get here is a long and bumpy ride, but i assure you that the ride will be all worth it.

(Nacpan's small pathway)
If you have a ride, no need to worry for parking spaces 'cause Nacpan's parking area is a hectare wide!

(Nacpan Beach's Parking Area)

(Nacpan 2015)

There are, I think five (5) food stalls at Nacpan Beach, like this one.

(One of the beachfront restos at Nacpan)

They offer fresh fruit shakes and other refreshments as well as fresh and delicious seafood dishes. 

(View from one the beachfront restos of Nacpan)

If you want to spend the night there, cottages are also available there for rent. The photo below shows one of the cottages which you could rent in Nacpan. It's just a few meters away from the beach.

(Cottages for rent)

(Relaxation spots in front of the beach)

No questions asked, Nacpan is really a very beautiful beach, but as the saying goes, "You can't really have it all", Nacpan is not blessed with a nice underwater view. It's all sand and sand, and sand. hehe. But I think, the fine sand and clear waters is enough to make the beach stand out.

(A nice piece of furniture)

Who says only San Vicente has a long stretch of a white sand beach, El Nido also has its own version! Nacpan has a four (4) kilometer-long stretch of  white powdery sand beach.

(The Long Beach of El Nido)

The beach is super wide and long. It's like Boracay without all the establishments, tourists, and loud music!

(Some of the fisherman's boat)

There's also no entrance fee being collected in here. You can enjoy the beach any time you want.

(Me and my family)

Aside from swimming and taking pictures, you can also try climbing the nearby hill which also serves as a view deck where you can have a nice view of the twin beaches. The tip-most part of Nacpan beach meets with Calitang beach making it a unique twin beach.

(Where the twin beach meets)

(The powdery white sand of Nacpan Beach is so fine)
(Near the fisherman's village at Nacpan-Calitang Beach)

You will get the best view of the two beaches on top of the cliff where both of the beaches end.

Two narrow trails are available to reach the top of the hill, I recommend that you take the less steep ones located at the right side of the hill. The climb to the cliff was short but it was a little bit steep.

(The view from the other side of the view deck)

The first time I saw a photo of the Nacpan-Calitang twin beach on facebook, my beach-loving heart was immediately captivated by it. I promised myself that I will visit the place someday and that day finally came last June 17 of 2015.

(Nacpan-Calitang Twin Beach)

It's beauty on the photographs really made justice to how it looked like in person.

(Nacpan-Calitang Twin Beach)

This gorgeous view from the top of the cliff really took my breath away. It's really beautiful!

(View of the twin beach from the top of the hill)

(June 17, 2015)

(Finally got to chance to take a picture with the famous twin beach)

After taking photos of the twin beach, we decided to go down the mountain and make our way back to the resto as the rain was about to fall.

(The grassland of the view deck)

There are actually two trails to go up the hill, the one we took to get to the top is the steep ones and I recommend that you take the easier trail on the right side 'cause it's less steep and more accessible.

(The rain is about to fall)

The best side of the twin beach is Nacpan's. The Calitang beach is a more populated area. It's actually a fishermen village where there are a lot more houses along the beach as compared to Nacpan.

(Nacpan Long Beach)


Private transport
You will have to navigate your way approximately 15 kilometers away from the town proper of El Nido and from the highway you will see signs saying "this way to Nacpan-Calitang beach". You will see the signs on the left side of the road and you will enter a small unpaved road and from there, you will travel about 5 kms more to be able to reach the beach.

Inland Tour
Nacpan-Calitag is part of the El Nido group tour E.You can book your tour with the travel agencies in town.

Hire a Motorbike or Tricycle from the town proper
There are tricycles for hire in the town proper of El Nido. I wasn't able to get a price quotation but from what I had searched on line they say that you can hire tricycle for P800-P1,000 (two way--back and forth).

Here are some of the videos we've taken at Nacpan :)

If you visit El Nido, make sure to include Nacpan-Calitang's Twin beach on your itinerary. Promise, it'll be worth your trip.

As I have mentioned, not once did I see a piece of trash along the beach of Nacpan. So please, please, please if you will visit the place, please make the effort not trash the place out. Help the people there to keep it clean. However, on the side of the Calitang beach I noticed that the beach is not that clean as compared to Nacpan. Maybe it's because of the fact that Calitang is a more populated and residential area. I hope the local government would take an action regarding that problem.

I hope you enjoy the place as much as we did.

Enjoy God's wonderful creations!! :)


-The Palaweña Explorer ;)