TIRIK (Sea Urchin)

Looks awful right? But don't be deceived by your sight, 'cause this thing here... tastes wonderful!


These are Sea Urchins! Yes, they're edible and DELICIOUS! :)


Inside these scary shells hide a gastronomic surprise! You need to crack it open to be able to get the edible part.


I recommend that before eating it, you need to grill it first. Though some people eat it as soon as they get or bought it, we prefer to grill it first because sometimes there are insects which attaches themselves in the outer shell. After grilling it for a minute of two, its already good to go!
The thrill of getting to the edible part is also a very interesting part in eating this sea food!


Sea Urchins are spiky sea creatures. Be careful with the spikes when cracking it open.
After cracking it open, its juice will come out.  The juice tastes like the saltiness of the sea. Before you eat it, you need to remove first the brown slimy stuff inside. The only edible thing here is the starfish shaped yellow thing attached at the ceiling of the shell.


This is the other half of the shell. Everything except the yellow thing inside is not edible!


Sea Urchins are also said to be an aphrodisiac, but i think its only psychological.


These are the edible part of the sea urchin! it's sooo delicious.. it's a nice viand and it's perfect with rice :)

Haven't tried it yet? Go on and try it, you'll love it! And it just might also be your next favorite sea food!



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